Legal Information
Company number:- 07774851
- Registered office address:- PO BOX 397, Carterton, Oxfordshire, OX18 9DY
Social Enterprise UK Membership Number 09469
Vat Number 184287967
Acknowledgement of risk
There will always be some real risk involved in the adventure activities we offer. This residual risk is inherent in the activity and cannot be eliminated without devaluing the activity, or the reason for doing it.
The risk is generally confined to a similar level which a normal child involved in normal active play may experience, or a normal adult involved in normal active recreation.
We at LNC Activities and Training believe the level of risk is low and is a tolerable risk when compared to the benefits. However, you must decide if you consider it tolerable.
Civil and criminal law requires that we take all reasonable care of you. We believe we do more than we are required to by law, but certain inherent risks may still remain which we cannot remove without destroying the nature of the activity.
Our aim is to reduce risks to the lowest tolerable level consistent with the nature and ethos of the activity.
We fully accept our legal and moral responsibilities in these matters but feel that you, as a normal, caring parent or guardian would wish to be fully informed about what the participant may experience.
Terms and Conditions
Loss, Damage or Injury
LNC Activities and Training CIC, its Recognised Training Centre, and Instructors and Coaches and other persons coaching, training or operating equipment under their direction or on their behalf do not accept responsibility for any loss, damage or injury suffered by persons and/or their property arising out of or during the course of their activities whilst training and/or coaching and/or instructing unless such injury loss or damage was caused by, or resulted from negligence or deliberate act.
Disabilities, Illnesses and Medical Conditions
LNC Activities and Training CIC will attempt to accommodate disabilities, illnesses and medical conditions as far as possible in courses and other activities.
However, we accept no liability for injury, loss or damage arising from conditions that you have not told us about prior to the activity starting and we reserve the right to cancel bookings where insufficient notice has been given for us to make suitable arrangements, or where we are unable to meet your needs.
Loco Parentis
LNC Activities and Training CIC can act in loco parentis; a parent or guardian must be cobntactable during courses or other organised sessions involving their children under 18, and a parental concent form must be completted.
All boats owned by athe centre and launched at as part of LNC Activities and Training CIC shall be insured against Third Party Liability to a minimum sum insured of £2,000,000.
Electronic Communications
LNC Activities and Training CIC will send any legal document in electronic format to the email associated with the member's account. Hard copies of any document may be requested from the Senior Leadership Team either electronically or by mail.